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[14/11/12](報名) 棟樑 20/12/2014 Mini Concert at Malaysia

發表於 2014-11-12 10:00:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Dear All,   w6 R% {7 L" {' t) L
How long you'al didn't join event? Would you like to see Nic? If so, stay tune for further info and registration.6 Z' ?3 _/ y# J$ Q3 G! `1 e
For sure some of you start asking where? When? What? and Who?   F: X4 V1 O, f2 x
Well fine here is some info (pls do understand my situation as organizer yet to release info and we are not allow to do so too) as we understand for those members' need to apply leave.! l3 w' n6 W' ~. h9 e+ [) q' t1 y
1. Outstation- this is a place that I complain the most during Nic's promo tour
0 N2 K- X% S: q; t+ R2. 5days before Santa arrive. F& D- q1 c: u3 m
3. Mini Concert/7pm$ G# \& A  ]. C
4. NZDL & LJW3 [" [1 ]. K+ ?  W+ B" ~1 D
That's all! Registration will be open on/before 20/11/2014, again first come first served
8 R' _: m5 b1 z+ q7 b, O2 G4 F# w
% u8 m& u! `. P& ?0 O: @! x
Credit form : Aunty Kelly Facebook+ `' z9 i0 f) h9 O, a2 X: k
1 Y* M; B2 b  M5 M5 F$ K; j5 U$ r
** 棟樑的迷你演唱會, 雖然地點不是在香港, 有興趣的朋友, 可在這裡報名 20/11/14 截止
發表於 2014-11-12 10:28:25 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2014-11-12 21:50:29 | 顯示全部樓層
哎呀呀@@看唔明英文,% n; W6 G3 L7 G- I. p
$ ^8 P. e( J3 T( G+ O( X8 i( a
可以翻譯下中文給我睇嗎?* |; k% {7 l6 k

5 e3 k' A1 x6 L5 h. n7 \唔該曬啊~\(≧▽≦)/~
 樓主| 發表於 2014-11-13 14:41:48 | 顯示全部樓層
棟樑~將在十二月在馬來西亞有個大型活動) y' m( A, V2 U+ _/ j: M& t
7 t, y1 q; |3 H9 Y8 ]8 d( P  J
因此活動~~"主辦單位尚未正式公布的情況下",7 F( O" M; r5 u1 |; D& ^, E
地點 :  Outstation
! p/ ~+ B$ ]& r; ^$ S8 ?3 x時間 : 2014.12.20,  7:00pm) B- Z9 ]; x- _3 X3 [3 ?
! R$ E! n& l) [) u
Jessie, 若你想參加, 你要用私訊向Kelly 報名.
發表於 2014-11-14 08:32:53 | 顯示全部樓層
真的太好了, 有 show 睇 !
發表於 2014-11-17 14:14:04 | 顯示全部樓層
我去唔到呀.. LAZYKICK 去完映D相分享過我地睇下啦
發表於 2014-12-19 21:32:30 | 顯示全部樓層
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